Resources & Links
Below you will find third-party sites and resources. These links are provided for your information only; the Chapter is not responsible for their content.
American Forests
Protecting and restoring forests for life.
American Phytopathological Society (APS)
APS is a nonprofit professional, scientific organization dedicated to the study and control of plant diseases.
American Society of Consulting Arborists
The tree authorities. From delivering expert guidance on sustainable planting and care to providing expert testimony in tree disputes, Consulting Arborists are the authoritative voice on trees.
Arbor Day Foundation
We inspire people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees. Including fun Coloring Pages.
International Society of Arboriculture (ISA)
Through research, technology, and education, the International Society of Arboriculture promotes the professional practice of arboriculture and fosters a greater worldwide awareness of the benefits of trees.
Ohio Green Industry Association
The Ohio Green Industry Association, formerly known as the Ohio Nursery & Landscape Association leads, promotes, and facilitates the success and growth of green industry businesses.
Society of American Foresters (SAF)
The Society of American Foresters (SAF) is the national scientific and educational organization representing the forestry profession in the United States.
Society of Commercial Arboriculture (SCA)
SCA is the premiere organization for individuals working in commercial and residential arboriculture throughout the world.
Society of Municipal Arborists
Leading the world in building the confidence, competence, and camaraderie of the family of professionals who create and sustain community forests.
Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA)
The Tree Care Industry Association is a 73-year-old public and professional resource on trees and arboriculture representing approximately 2,100 tree service and affiliated member companies.
Utility Arborists Association (UAA)
The Utility Arborist Association is the premier organization for individuals and companies who desire to provide professional utility arboricultural services. Members of the UAA and their employers have a commitment to the public to enhance the practice of arboriculture.
Ohio Tree Planting Guide
The Ohio Tree Planting Guide describes the proper way to prepare and plant a tree. Developed by the Ohio Chapter ISA, the guide is endorsed by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Forestry, the Ohio Tree Industry Association, and The Ohio State University Extension. Click on the link below to view and download the guide. Permission granted for reproduction.
Ohio Guide for Plant Appraisal, 8th Edition
The Ohio Guide for Plant Appraisal is intended to be a supplement to the 10th Edition of the Guide for Plant Appraisal and not as an alternative.
Sample Ohio Tree Planting Specifications
The Sample Ohio Tree Planting Specifications is approved and endorsed by the Ohio Chapter International Society of Arboriculture, Ohio Green Industry Association, Ohio State University Extension, and Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Forestry.'s Forestry Site
Browse Topics on Forestry Basics, Identify a Tree, A Career in Forestry ... and much more.
Asian Longhorned Beetle Information
The Asian longhorned beetle (ALB) is a devastating pest that is destroying hardwood trees in the U.S. Since its discovery here in 1996, the beetle has caused tens of thousands of trees to be destroyed in Ohio, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Illinois. That includes our elm, maple, ash, willow, birch trees and more. Once a tree is infested, it can’t be saved and any other host tree in the nearby vicinity is at significant risk.
Basic Guide to Tree Identification
An excellent resource to assist in identifying the various types of trees that exist. Thanks Lizzie from the W.B. Goodwin Community Center for the recommendation.
Benefits of Trees
There are numerous resources to learn about the value and benefits of your trees. Here are just a few:
Big Trees - Ohio Department of Natural Resources
Ohio’s Big Tree Program is a voluntary endeavor to locate, measure, record, and appreciate the largest tree species in our state.
Biggest Trees in America
Are you wondering what the biggest trees in America are? You’ve come to the right place!
Child Development - How Forests & Outdoor Learning Help
Everyone loves the great outdoors. Children love playing in nature’s playground. They love gloriously muddy outdoor adventures. They love to explore further than the eye can see. They love to discover wildlife as they go. Connecting with nature is key to creativity and curiosity.
Find Your Green Job
This interactive quiz allows youth to answer simple questions online and get recommendations for a rewarding green career path that might suit their personality.
Forestry Careers & Degrees: A Guide for Students
If you’re considering a career in the forestry profession, you may envision spending your workday in blue jeans and hiking boots, managing wild lands and protecting nature for future generations. The reality of forestry careers, however, is somewhat different. While there are many people whose main goal is to protect forests and other natural resources for the future, a career in forestry encompasses much more.
Forestry Industry Careers
Forestry is a wide-ranging field with many different career opportunities. See below to learn more about common forestry jobs.
Global Organization of Tree Climbers
Promoting safe and environmentally respectful tree climbing practices for adventure, education, and fun.
Homeowners Associations Natural Resource Stewardship Manual
As a leader or manager of a homeowners association, you directly affect the quality and quantity of landscape trees, forest cover, and natural resources on your property. Yet, you may not have the knowledge and tools needed to maintain and enhance these green assets for the benefit and safety of residents, visitors and the community-at-large.
Invasive Plant - Guide to Plants to Replace With
The Ohio Invasive Plants Council is a coalition of agencies, organizations, and individuals throughout Ohio concerned about the introduction, spread, and control of invasive, non-native plants in Ohio's natural habitats. OIPC promotes public awareness of invasive species issues and encourages land management and research to detect invasive species and prevent new invasions into natural ecosystems. The council offers an extensive guide to alternative plants to replace invasive plants and much more.
In Shade & Sun
A guide to healthy trees.
Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918
The Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 (16 U.S.C. 703-712) implements four international conservation treaties that the U.S. entered into with Canada in 1916, Mexico in 1936, Japan in 1972, and Russia in 1976. It is intended to ensure the sustainability of populations of all protected migratory bird species.
National Register of Big Trees
American Forests’ National Register of Big Trees represents more than 660 species – with trees in 45 states and the District of Columbia.
Native Trees: Creating Living Landscapes for Birds, Butterflies, Bees & Others
Check out the Ohio State University Extension's FactSheet. It can be found at
Ohio Bat Working Group
The Ohio Bat Working Group works to facilitate communication, information-sharing, and collaboration between people with an interest in bats throughout Ohio.
Ohio Division of Forestry
Our Mission is to Promote and Apply Management for the Sustainable use and Protection of Ohio’s Private and Public Forest Lands
Ohio Forest Pests: A Field Guide
Ohio’s forests face numerous challenges to their health, ecological benefits, and future existence. The hope is that this identification guide will assist foresters, woodland owners, and other natural resource professionals in identifying forest pests.
Ohio Forest Pests: A Field Guide
Ohio’s forests face numerous challenges to their health, ecological benefits and future existence. The hope is that this identification guide will assist foresters, woodland owners, and other natural resource professionals in identifying forest pests in the field. This field guide is not comprehensive, but attempts to provide identification resources for the insects and diseases most likely to be encountered in Ohio woodlands. Click here to view the field guide.
OSHA Tree Care Industry Safety
Tree care companies provide services such as pruning, removal, plant health care, cabling and bracing, transplanting, consulting, fertilization, and lightning protection. Tree care hazards are addressed in specific standards for recordkeeping and the general industry.
Outdoor Learning: The Importance of Trees!
Trees are more than just a part of the landscape; they are a major source of support for life on our planet. When we step out of the classroom and get into the great outdoors, we can experience some of the benefits of trees in person, from enjoying the shade underneath them to watching the animals that live in their branches. Trees also provide oxygen and even help to fight global warming. Their importance extends far beyond their trunks and roots to touch every aspect of our lives. Thank you Conner for recommending this awesome teaching website.
Pest Alerts
The US Forest Service provides helpful Pest Alerts. Click here to view their library of resources.
Plant Trees at Home for the Planet
It’s easy to take trees for granted, but trees add essential elements that humans and animals need to live. Not only do humans get oxygen and food from trees, but trees also play an important role as providers of wood, shelter, shade, aesthetic beauty, and ecological contributions such as climate amelioration, water conservation, and soil preservation. Planting a tree can be a simple process but one that will have far-reaching benefits for society as a whole. Learn more from Home Advisor.
Project Learning Tree
Project Learning Tree uses trees and forests as windows on the world to increase students’ understanding of the environment and actions they can take to conserve it. Since 1976, PLT has reached 138 million students and trained 765,000 educators to help students learn how to think, not what to think about complex environmental issues.
Rain Gardens for Stormwater Management
A rain garden is a landscaped, shallow depression planted with native plants that capture, temporarily hold, and filter stormwater back into the ground, preventing it from running off and ultimately reaching nearby streams, rivers, and ponds. Thank you for recommending this article, Chloe with Green is Love Gardening Club.
The Ultimate Guide to Help Prevent Deforestation
- What deforestation is
- Why deforestation is a major problem
- How we can prevent and reverse deforestation
Tips 4 Trees
There are some very good things you can do to promote healthy, long-lived trees.
Tree Care for Birds
The TCBW Committee partners with a diverse collective of tree and wildlife professionals to promote best practices to reduce the impact of tree care on birds and other wildlife, and to increase all values of sustainable forests.
Tree Guide
Here you will find information on height and spread, soil and sun requirements, leaves and fruit, history, wildlife habitat, and more.
Tree Indentification Using Tree Leaf Key
Find out how to identify a tree and what types of trees exist. Using a tree's anatomy and physiology you can identify a tree by collecting leaves, cones, flowers, bark and fruit.
Tree Rings & The Life of a Tree
Ava is a florist and a writer in the field of flowers and floral arrangements. When she was younger, Ava worked for her family’s small floral shop, cleaning the shop and making flower deliveries to people who lived locally. Today, Ava enjoys researching and expanding her knowledge of various flowers and plants worldwide. Thank you, Nicole, from the Friends of Bay Minette for providing this recommendation.
Trees & Wood: An Identification Resource Guide
The importance of trees to our ecosystem cannot be overstated. As prodigious producers of oxygen, trees contribute to our environment’s ability to sustain animal life. Over the years, people have found many other uses for trees, including shade, recreation, and ornamentation. And of course, we also use their wood to build homes and furniture. One way to start becoming proficient at spotting different types of trees is to use dichotomous keys, or features that split the population in two.
Trees 4 Ohio
Find an arborist in your area, learn more about trees, and so much more!
Trees of Ohio Field Guide
This booklet is produced by the ODNR Division of Wildlife as a free publication.
Urban Forestry - Identifying a Career Ladder
We collected 151 urban forestry job postings and analyzed them to determine minimum qualifications and average advertised salary and to construct a career ladder for the profession.
Urban Forestry Assessment of Skills
Urban forestry is an interdisciplinary field of science and a profession that directly manages green infrastructure. There are many significant benefits to a properly managed urban forest resource, managers need to be appropriately prepared to successfully manage their resources. We conducted a mixed-mode survey that asked employers what skills they were looking for when they hired entry-level urban foresters and if recent hires possessed these skills.
Urban Forestry Jobs Analysis Study
Where is Urban Forestry Today? The Urban Forestry 2020 team was tasked with answering this question to inform strategic planning for the urban forestry profession and higher education. Our analysis used survey research, document analysis, and focus groups and we present the results of this work on this website. Peruse Urban Forestry 2020 research results and our visualizations to get a picture of the urban forestry profession of today—where the jobs are, what students think about a career in urban forestry, and the challenges of an urban forestry career.
US National Parks
Going outside and getting some fresh air makes us feel better – we all know it. The time we spend outside, relaxing or exercising, is often a welcomed relief from daily stresses. We arrive back home feeling refreshed. When was the last time you enjoyed the great outdoors?
What Tree Is It?
This web site will lead you through qualities of leaves and fruits from the common trees of Ohio.
Wildlife Rehabilitators
Get help for orphaned, sick, or injured wildlife using this state-by-state listing.
Wood Barns & More! - Identify that Tree
An excellent resource recommended by Colorado Tutors. Thanks Danielle!